
PAI Life Sciences is a biotechnology company located in Seattle, WA, specialized in the developmental and translational research necessary to bring products from the laboratory through the clinical bedside on to commercialization. We have developed candidates in the therapeutic, device, vaccine and diagnostic market and two products that we had developed are in the market now. As part of our research we are developing protein-based antigens and therapeutics and have a pipeline of products ranging from infectious disease vaccines and adjuvants to small molecule therapeutics. The company is now almost 11 years old and started as Protein Advances Incorporated in 2004. It has the lab facilities and the scientific expertise available to pursue a deployment-driven approach to vaccine and diagnostic discovery, process development, and product prototyping.  

At its inception, PAI developed a computational methodology harnessing the power of cloud computing to represent the proteome of a pathogenic organism by a small number of peptide pools, a method that enabled rapid and economical screening of an entire proteome and thereby provided a valuable utility in the quest for new diagnostic, vaccine, and therapeutic targets. In addition to the bioinformatics approach, PAI has developed a number of biotech candidates in the last ten years. The wet lab capabilities of the company are used to move partnered projects and antigenic leads forward to translation to the clinical bedside.

ӒKTA design chromatography system used at PAI Life for process development

ӒKTA design chromatography system used at PAI Life for process development

The company’s facilities are designed for molecular, immunological, and chemical research and contain a wide variety of standard equipment for general use including laminar flow hoods, tissue culture incubators, fume hoods, water purification system, ice machine, balances, ovens, pH meters, vacuum oven, and a wide variety of small equipment.

PAI has been very successful to date at attracting partners as well as DoD, NIH, and SBIR grant funding, including grants for the development and production of commercial prototypes of a point of care leprosy test as well as process development and manufacture of three different protein products and contract work leading to approval of a drug delivery device.